Sunday School
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Prior to service on Sundays there are classes in session. These are a great way to connect with others, learn more about God's Word, and strengthen your faith. We have various classes offered for Children, Youth/Teens, College & Career, Couples, Adults and Senior Adults. Nursery/Pre-K childcare available.
Sunday Morning Service
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Weekly we meet together to focus our hearts on God with worship and then continue with a bible message that will help grow our understanding and knowledge of God's deep love for us. Children's Church begins after music and Nursery/Pre-K childcare is available. Feel free to watch our Livestream and past services online.
Wednesday Nights
6 PM Fellowship Meal
6:45 - 7:45 PM Bible Study
At our fellowship meal and bible study we dig deeper into the Word of God, ask questions, discuss various topics and spend time in prayer for our Church and community. Meal is free although donations are always welcome. You can give here as God leads you. Children and Youth attend age appropriate bible study separate from Adults. Nursery/Pre-K childcare available.